This is just a short note to update you on some changes to Mass attendance. As you would be aware, we are still limited in the number of people that can attend Mass. Currently, it is 20 people per Mass. There is a chance that this will rise to 50 in the near future, but this is dependent on the Government’s assessment of the ongoing risk. We had assumed that it would go to 50 before the current rise in cases occurred. We will keep you updated on any changes.
To try to be as fair as possible, we have been calling people alphabetically using the parish register in order to invite people to Mass. From now on, this will change. Now, however, should you wish to attend Mass, we ask that you either contact the parish office or use the booking function on the website.
You would also understand that it is unlikely that people will be able to attend Mass each Sunday. However, based on the last few weeks, it seems that people should be able to attend at least once a month. We would therefore ask for patience in making requests. That said, if you have expressed an interest in attending Mass and one month has gone by without you being able to attend, please let us know and we will fix this. Weekday Masses (Tuesday to Saturday at 9am) remain a possibility. Again, only 20 can attend so please let us know if you plan on attending, but so far we have been able to accommodate everyone who requested to attend.
For your information, the dispensation from attending Mass in order to fulfil the Sunday obligation remains in effect. One can therefore satisfy this in other ways; for example: family and individual prayer, reading the Scriptures, or watching an online Mass or Liturgy of the Word. We will continue to broadcast the 9am Mass through the website as long as this continues.
Of course, please do not hesitate to contact us for any other reason. The sacrament of reconciliation is always available, and many parishioners have taken the opportunity of some spare time to ring up or drop around for a chat on a variety of topics. You are always welcome... 5 at a time.
God bless and please be assured of our prayers.