Volunteer Position Descriptions
There are many ways to contribute to our community here at St Mary's and St Colman's Please view our volunteer position descriptions below and let us know if you would like to get involved!
Send us an email: StKildaEast@cam.org.au or come visit us to discuss at the Parish Office Tues-Fri 9am-5pm!​​​​
Or are you passionate about something else?
Perhaps you’re interested in... forming a men’s shed, prayer group, knitting/crochet club, personal training, parent group, supporting the elderly, movie nights, bereavement support, games/cards, piety stall, helping teach Catechesis, wedding assistance and more...If you have an idea we would love to hear from you!
Lector/Reader at Mass
In 2025 our training session for Lectors for both St Mary's and St Colman's Parishes will be held on 1st February 2025, 2.30pm at St Mary's Church.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
In 2025 our training session for Extraordinary Ministers and those who take communion to the Sick for both St Mary's and St Colman's Parishes will be held on 1st February 2025, 2.30pm at St Mary's Church.